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Oral Surgery Group of Winnipeg - North Office


3.7 étoiles (52)

2405 Main St, Winnipeg, MB R2V 4Z5, Canada

(204) 338-2790
  • EN Anglais

Avis : Oral Surgery Group of Winnipeg - North Office

  • R Ruth Semotiuk 13 days ago 5 étoiles Took my nephew to the Oral Surgery Group of Winnipeg on January 21,2025 @ 2405 Main Street. Dr. Quan...
  • S Sheridan Friesen 36 days ago 5 étoiles Well it's been 24 hours since my excruciating wisdom tooth was surgically removed and just rinsed my...
  • L Lael Cooper 30 days ago 5 étoiles I had a great tooth removal with Dr Guan and his assistant, Katie. What wonderful and positive people...
  • X Xenia Stanke 26 days ago 5 étoiles I was in a pinch and needed emergency surgery, Dr. Canosa was a rockstar! He did a stellar job, and took...
  • A Aaron Giesbrecht 61 days ago 5 étoiles Dr. Canosa did an incredible job with my wisdom teeth surgery. I experienced little to no pain...


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