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Hollinger Dental Group

Clinique dentaire généraliste, Urgence: Heures d'ouverture

3.4 étoiles (20)

100 Waterloo Rd, Timmins, ON P4N 4X5, Canada

(705) 267-1020
  • EN Anglais
  • FR Français

Avis : Hollinger Dental Group

  • G Greg Powell 26 days ago 1 étoiles Called to see if I could have a tooth extracted because one of mine shipped while I was sleeping I’m not...
  • R Rainbow Matthews 50 days ago 1 étoiles They constantly left me in the chair every 10 min to see other clients. A simple appointment would take...
  • j joan Bolger 81 days ago 1 étoiles My experience at the Hollinger Dental Group is not with everyone they were all very nice, but the one...
  • D Dwain 246 days ago 1 étoiles I am on disability and when I had my last appointment booked I was working at the time the dentist...
  • b brandon olszewski 506 days ago 5 étoiles I had a very good experience here. Dr. Beland did a great job removing 2 teeth that had been causing me...


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